Fernweh (n); (German) an ache for distant places, a need to travel
Sorry this one is long. We left the safety of our home away from home on the 24th and headed for the big city of Prague. A long train ride and a refreshing nap was followed by a trek to our Hostel in old town Prague. A little hole in the wall with a passage and we were there. I can't explain how odd the toilets were, and the showers were aggressively pressurized. But it was a comfy little hostel.
Catholic Cathedral |
When in Prague we got to tour some beautiful churches and the presidential castle. We saw the Charles bridge and even the clock from Harry Potter. (The one in Hogwarts.) Thankfully this time around we only got lost once. I feel the need to say just so everyone knows. I'm a 'kebabaholic'. I can't get enough of them. Now the ones in Prague weren't as good as the ones in Olomouc are, but it got me through the weekend.
Hogwarts Clock |
Onto our day trip to Dresden. I am sorry to say that I am totally unaware of what the countryside from Prague to Dresden, Germany looks like. For I had a very hearty nap on the train. Though I am happy to report that the views of the city of Dresden are immaculate. I was awestruck at the beautiful buildings and bridges. The river was just a fantastic. We were, as a group, able to view the Lutheran Cathedral. Now for those of you whom are not Lutheran, Lutheran churches have a scent to them. Now before I took this trip I myself had no idea of this either. However, we walked into that church and i took a breath in and I was back home. It was very oddly comforting. But enough about my weird church smelling self. After we toured the inside of the church we were able to go atop the Church, I'm still suffering from the climb, but man was it worth it. A view of the whole city, from atop a church I was all too familiar with, looking at all he had created... I knew God was with me.
Lutheran Cathedral |
After climbing the church we split up and I, and a few others, went to an art museum. Ranked in the top 5 in Europe. I am awkwardly able to report the abundance of paintings of women with a single breast plopped out. Or maybe you would prefer the number of baby phallases contained in one room? None the less, it was an amazing experience.
I was especially enticed by "Portrait of man holding black cap". And my personal favorite, "Portrait of a man in a yellowish grey jacket". Which yes both are real names of paintings. From the museum we were off to the train and headed back to Prague.
View from atop the Lutheran Cathedral |
The next morning we got the amazing experience to tour a Jewish museum as well as the oldest Jewish synagogue in the Czech Republic. In the museum was written names of all of those whom lost their life in the Czech Republic during the Holocaust. With that chilling experience finally over we took to the Easter Markets and then headed for our train to Olomouc. We got back and the first thing i did... Got myself a Kebab. Then it was back to Neredin (Nezsh-ruh-deen) and sleep. Seventeen hours feels amazing after a long trip.
Lutheran Cathedral ceiling |
The Jewish Museum |
"Not all those who wander are lost" -J.R.R. Tolkein
"I'm in love with cities I've never been to and people I've never met." -Unknown