I managed to rip some pictures from the cloud and from Facebook so today's post won't be as horrible as the last!! Sorry to everyone who had to read it without having their inner child be able to look at pictures!

On to the next adventure! After we were off on our own in Venice it was time to head to our Hostel. Being the adventurous types that we are, the girls and I planned to camp the last night we had in Venice in a handsome little camping area just barely on the mainland. After a confusing time getting bus tickets we wound up at our "Hostel". Cute little bungalows awaited us and we were quick to get in a nap... Fast forward 2 hours... We decide to head back to the islands so that the girls could get in their gondola ride. Now call me a cliché but I refused to ride the gondolas... Sorry to everyone out there but if I'm going to be riding in a romantic city in a romantic little boat while some dude signs to us in Italian, then it's going to be with someone I love and not just three girls I met a month and a half ago. Anyway, past the gondola ride, we headed back to our "hostel" and had some delicious dinner then headed to bed.

Wake up! We were off to our train and headed to Rome! After a few hours we arrived. And it was... well to be honest it wasn't anything you would hope for. We headed from the stop to our hostel and there was trash, covering everything. Trash on the ground, trash in the metros, trash in the trash cans overflowing in heaps onto the ground. It was a mess.

However, we got to our hostel and it was a sight for sore eyes! Imagine beach resort without the beach. Palms trees, a pool (which wasn't accessible even though it was 85 degrees), a restaurant and bar, and when we got to our rooms... You guessed it! We were camping again! This time in little tents. Now when I tell you we have had horrible wifi this entire trip, I absolutely mean it! Yet for some reason the 3 nights we spent camping in Venice and Rome were the best we have had this entire trip. Which was amazing because I was actually able to catch up with family and friends without horrible skipping in our Skype calls. The next few days were filled with visiting the Vatican, which was beautiful. Even if you are not catholic I highly suggest taking a tour. There is so much culture, not only from catholic history, but from Roman, Greek, etc... On top of going through the Vatican museums, we were able to see the Sistine Chapel. I am not sure why, but for some reason in my mind the image of God and Adam was all that I thought there was in the Sistine Chapel. But no... I could have laid on the floor looking up at those magnificent paintings for hours. There was so much happening and so much to tell in every brush stroke it was just breath taking.

So after about 15 minutes in the Chapel we were escorted out and into the actual church in the Vatican, which was just as amazing in and among itself. But that was enough for the day. We headed back to our hostel and ate and had a drink or two at the bar and went to bed.
The next day was just as filled with adventure, we went to the Coliseum and saw where a lot of deaths happened. Sadly we didn't know we had to go on a guided tour in order to get to see all of the actually cool stuff, so our tour ended rather abruptly. Up next was the Roman forum and then we were off to our hostels to get our lives arranged. We met some Australians whom happened to be our neighbors and had the time of our lives in Rome. But that would be a story for a different day. So we woke up rather late, missing our chance to see the pope. Oh I know, it's just heart breaking. But really it wasn't. We headed to the train station and we were off to Florence.

Now when you, or atleast when I, picture Italy; there are arrow streets, blooming walk ways, clothes hanging from the windows, and bright colors everywhere. Well Florence is exactly what Italy is. It was magnificent. Absolute architectural eye candy! Every second in Florence was a delight! We went to the Michelangelo look out point, and to see the Statue of David, it was all just wonderful! Besides the fact our toilet was in our shower?!? But other than that. We spent two wonderful days in Florence and then headed to Milan. I will keep it short with Milan because it wasn't my favorite. It was somewhat like Rome. Dirty. But it kind of seemed like the gangster side of Italy. You know, the mafia kind of thing? Well We did have a few rather great meals there, a nice little Mexican restaurant, Hard Rock Cafe, and a great Turkish Kebab place. But other than that we shopped at extremely over priced stores, and I had the great experience of losing my phone.
All in all I am extremely happy to just be back in good ole Olomouc. Where the people hate us but the prices are low and the food is good!
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